On Oct 6, 2011, at 9:28 AM, **** ********* wrote:
This is your daily spam from me, but I thought you would appreciate hearing what the Livestrong organization did to me yesterday They cancelled my auction on eBay on a loophole.
The loophole is that if the organization was not involved in the manufacture of the item, you can NOT use their name in an auction on eBay. Nice, go after me for this infringement.
I sent a note to DopeStrong that I would now post this to these lists and do everything I could to let people know what they did.
Anyway, the main reason for posting this (other than to whine) is to give you the current link to the auction and pictures.
Thanks again,
“DopeStrong” – I wear a “LIVESTRONG” bracelet even though I know there’s a lot of hatred and animosity towards Lance in the cycling community. I know people look at me and question my motives because of a silly yellow bracelet. Personally, I don’t know why people spend time hating on someone else, but that’s a different subject. Personally, I’m more focused on loving others.
Anyhow, I wear the “LIVESTRONG” bracelet because it was given to me by my boss who is fighting cancer. It makes me think about him and another friend fighting daily. It makes me think about some friends that have lost their fight. It makes me think about all the people who I don’t know who are fighting. And yes, lots of times it makes me makes me think about Lance. Yesterday, it made me think about Steve Jobs, his legacy, family and his fight with cancer.
In all honesty, I respect your freedom of speech. I’m just sharing my difference of opinion with the “lists” and I’m asking that maybe a little more sensitivity could be applied to the DopeStrong LIVESTRONG brand, person, etc… I know it’s a brand you don’t have to embrace, like some people hate Ford and only buy Chevy. In this weird instance it transcends brand for me an symbolizes much more. Even though I know it’s Nike backed.
This silly yellow bracelet, made in China is a good thing for me.